Her vocational arousal now focuses on the unique global paradigm shift we are entering at the threshold of a new world order. To facilitate the transition she has initiated the conception and development of a fresh and unique curriculum as “Social Architect”. People acquire evolutionary core competencies to address efficiently and wisely the complexity and diversity of our global challenges in the 21th century and learn how to build smart bridges between the “Old” that works and the emerging “New” in people, cultures and systems.
- First 18 years in West Africa (Senegal and Ivory Coast).
- Master in English and German Languages at the University of Clermont-Ferrand, France, certified Translator. Master in Sciences and Technics of Information and Documentation at l’ Institut National des Techniques de la Documentation, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris.
- Education as a Trainer, Consultant and Coach in Transactional Analysis, systemical brief therapy Steve de Shazer.
- Since 1984 has been living in Germany.
- 15 years at BMW Headquarters, Munich in Human Resources Department. Responsible for Personal Development, Communication, In-House Consultant Programs.
- Certified in Spiral Dynamics integral Levels I, II et III avec et par Dr. Don Beck. Co-founder and Co-Leader Center for Human Emergence, Germany-Austria-Switzerland. Member of « Spiral Dynamic Group international».
- Certified “Agent of Conscious Evolution” by Barbara Marx Hubbard and Stephen Dinan of “The Shiftnetwork”, USA.
- Attendance the Course “From Ego to Essence” by Barbara M. Hubbard and Patricia Ellsberg, USA.
- Attendance “Enlightened Business Summit”, USA
- True Purpose Training als Change Agent mit Tim Kelley, 2015
- Sensitivness Training (basics and advanced) with Griseldis Ellis, 2016
- Online Course “Medical Intuition” with Carolyne Myss, 2016
- Online course, certified as a “Virtual Reality Trainerin” by the Institute for Immersive Learning, 2020
- Online course “Platform Design“, 2020
Artistic career
- Education in Ballet, Contemporary, Jazz, Tap, Afro Dance.
- Dance Teacher for the BMW Sport Department, the Bavarian Artistic Gymnastics Federation
- 1997 – 1999 Education in Wushu, Kungfu Shaolin with Jianguo Sun ( Master 7th Dan).
- 1998 Intensive Training at the Sport University of Shangai
- 1998 Winner of Silver at the “Wushu Open International” in Karlsruhe (Sword Form)
- 1999 Winner Gold at the European Championship in Wolfsburg (Baton)
- 1996: Contemporary Dance Performance “La nuit d´Octobre” at the Cultural Center of BMW
- 2002: Dance Theater Performance: “Metamorphosis “
- 2002, 2003, 2005: Acrobatics Shows at the Olympic Stadium in Munich with 8000 viewers and in the Allianz-Arena with 40 000 viewers.
- 2005: Artistic Director for Gaiala´s fantastische Reise” with 120 young gymnasts
- 2006 et 2009: Choreographies and artistic direction of the live Show “Sport meets Arts” for the « Munich Entertainment Productions»